Empire Earth Config File Location
Jun 04, 2015 Start 3DAnalyze.exe as administrator, click the 'Select' button, and then select a.exe file of Empire Earth 1 (or it's expansion pack), EE.exe (sometimes Empire Earth.exe) or EE-AOC.exe. Check option: 'Force max. Pixel shader version 1.1', and click on the 'RUN' button.
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Empire Earth Config File Location Search
Guys, i'm bringing some good news.Actually i created my account at this forums just to tell u that there is a way to fix this on windows 8:you need to edit a registry value (winkey+r, type 'regedit' and press enter):change:'HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareSSSIEmpire EarthWait for VSync'From 1 to 0.Also, change'HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareSSSIEmpire EarthRasterizer Name'to:'Direct3D Hardware TnL' - copy the exact text wihout the 'that's it, it will work!This message has been edited by e10hs (edited @ 04:23 PM). Sorry if this has been posted already.I found a solution on a Microsoft community help page. At this point you should have Empire Earth 2 installed.1) open notepad2) Copy and Paste into note pad the following, as is:taskkill /F /IM explorer.exeEE2.exeStart explorer.exe2A) Please note if you would like to do the same for the expansion just change the EE2.exe to EE2x.exe. Just copy the text below.taskkill /F /IM explorer.exeEE2x.exeStart explorer.exe3) Click save as,(save it on your desktop so you can find it easier), name it:EE2.bat3A) If you are doing this for the expansion just save as.EE2x.bat4) Go to where Empire Earth 2 is saved.
For example, Computer/C:/all programs/sierra/empire earth2.Drag and drop the file that you just created into that folder.5) Right click the EE2.bat file and send to desktop. This will create a shortcut. You can then modify the icon if you would like. The.ico files are already in your EE2 directory just choose to change icon and navigate to the EE2 directory.6) Just to be safe right click and run the new shortcut as administrator. At many points during this process you maybe prompted to run as admin, just go ahead and accept it.The game should launch without any issues. It will resume explorer.exe when you exit the game.
I'm using Windows 8 and this works for me. I also have EE1 running without issues. For EE1 I just run the game by setting compatibility mode to XP and running as administrator. No issues.I am not the creator of this solution it was found here. I paraphrased the guide a bit. If anyone has questions feel free to ask.This message has been edited by Kaspernikus (edited @ 08:23 PM).
Hello all, I'm new here but hopefully my intro will be very welcome.I have run into the Windows 8 64bit install issue with a number of games and actually recall the same issues at times installing older games in Win7 64. Anyway, I have found that 9 out of ten times if you 'Run as administrator' the setup.exe it will work. I followed this with EE AOC and am running (so far!) perfectly with no additional patches, hacks, etc.and this is the original not the GOG version.
Still installing EE2 so can't verify that for sure yet but this should get yas well on your way! It seems that everyone has different symptoms.For me, EE works perfectly without any compatibility settings, but when trying to load EE-AoC, nothing happens. Two instances of EE-AOC.exe appear in Task Manager, only to disappear a few seconds later.