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Pt 1007 F Notice
Pt 1007 F Notice Rating: 9,1/10 6467 votes
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- Pursuant to LBR 1007-1(a), the Debtor, or the Debtor’s attorney if applicable, certifies under penalty of perjury that the master mailing list of creditors filed in this bankruptcy case, consisting of sheet(s) is complete, correct, and consistent with the Debtor’s schedules and I/we assume all responsibility for errors and omissions.
- RECIPT OF NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES/PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Initials) PATIENT SIGNATURE: Date: 1011 Cass Street Suite 106 Monterey, CA 93940 P: 831-647-3190 F: 831-373-1007.

Pt 1007 F Notice Form

Pt 1007 F Notice Letter
Pursuant to LBR 1007-1(a), the Debtor, or the Debtor’s attorney if applicable, certifies under penalty of perjury that the master mailing list of creditors filed in this bankruptcy case, consisting of sheet(s) is complete, correct, and consistent with the Debtor’s schedules and I/we assume all responsibility for errors and omissions.