Can You Become The High King Of Skyrim
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Adds a quest to let the player become High King of Skyrim. As High King, you are able to drastically change the lives of all NPCs through new dialogue. This mod is my attempt at integrating (most of) the features of aysigago's Become High King of Skyrim mod into the existing world of Skyrim, without using a new worldspace. Skyrim Mods: Become High King of Skyrim - Part 1. Back with another Skyrim Saturday mod review extravaganza and today for Skyrim Saturday we are taking a look at become high king of Skyrim this is a mod that I downloaded a long time ago but never used but today I figured you know it's no time like the present so let's get to it so to start. It's ok, but it's a little unfinished. I never had any problems becoming the high king so everything was fine in that regard. It allows you to give some orders to npcs which seem to work fine, I liked getting to have anyone as a follower, throw them in jail/behead them, and order them to give me their (non-outfit) items.
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How To Become The High King Of Skyrim
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Do your research. Provide all necessary information. See for more information.Related Subreddits.Related Websites. (NSFW). It worked wonderfuly for me.That said, I wish there was a version that used all the fun mechanics without adding the monstrously huge player castle in Solitude. In addition to being completely lore-unfriendly with it's massiveness, its location and entrance doors conflict with some cool Solitude altering mods I like.Big superhouses can be fun, but when you have a cities worth of NPCs in it, and the freaking Eye of Magnus as a decorative fountain, immersion tends to get chucked out the window.Still, the ability to carry out a real endgame by letting you go fullout against the Thalmor, makes it one of a kind. Eh, most Imperials hate the Thalmor just as much as Ulfric does, they just have the common sense to see that the combined Nord, Breton and Imperial forces got butchered at Imperial City before they managed that daring win that led to the truce, and thus a lone Skyrim, just like a lone Cyrodiil, has zero chance against the elves.
Thus they prefer to bide their time. Tullius all but spells out to you that he's mad because the war in Skyrim is distracting him from the real enemy - the Aldmeri Dominion. He has complete and open contempt for Elenwen (rightly so) and only stomachs her for diplomatic reasons. He wasn't all that annoyed that Elenwen left in Seasons Unending, he was more annoyed that Ulfric was getting his way and starting the meeting on a really bad note.Also, the biggest problem to marrying Elisif on a Stormcloak run would be Ulfric. He REALLY wants to be High King, and if the Dragonborn marries the former High King's wife, his chances of being elected drop to almost zero. Because, to put it bluntly, his Thu'um is a bad wannabe of yours, and you basically won the war on your own for him if you go Stormcloak. Basically you'd have to make him killable, which can break a few other quests even after the CW is done.That said, I could see the following choices for either gender:-Men: marry Elisif.
If Imperial, not much else needed. If Stormcloak, I'd guess 'grant her request for closure', read: challenge Ulfric and shank him the same way he did Torygg, according to Nord customs.-Women: marry Ulfric if Stormcloak (possibly with a little blackmailing by threatening to reveal that the great future High King had the Dragonborn do 95% of the job and just swept in to claim the credit - a little humiliation would do him good), or become Jarl of Windhelm in Ulfric's place if Imperial, which puts you in a sweet position to win the title at the next Moot. Don't get me wrong, I like Brunwulf. But he'd have to wait until you become High King and relinquish Windhelm's throne. Basically you'd have to make him killable, which can break a few other quests even after the CW is done.I'd love to see a mod that makes all the quest NPCs killable but allows their successors (for Jarls and the like, where someone will step into the role) to step into the role of quest givers and function otherwise as their predecessor did.For those without designated successors (and in the event those successors are killed), the successor could be an NPC added by the same mod, who is appointed by whichever faction controls the city. Not all Jarls have designated successors though.
Ironically I could see Irileth as Jarl of Whiterun. That she's trusted by everyone in it despite being a Dark Elf already speaks well of her. Idgrod has a younger clone of herself (hehe). Well, Hemming is her son but is an idiot. Sibbi is in jail and Ingun doesn't care about the Riften throne. Whoever becomes Steward will have all the power since Hemming is useless.Markarth can have no successor depending how you solve The Forsworn Conspiracy.
The steward is the one having all the power anyway. Nobody cares about Winterhold, and there's so few people anyway that the College may have to step in. Dawnstar is easy enough, with Horik being Brina's second. Honestly it'd be easier if Falk took over.That's all that comes to mind for 'successors' to Jarls. Regarding other High King candidates, on the Imperial side Idgrod Ravencrone comes to mind immediately, as does Maven Black-Briar due to her being able to pull strings and pay people off. Alas, being High King requires being able to fight, as Torygg's fate proved all too clearly, and while Idgrod being able to see the future means she'd be nasty anyway, Maven. She wouldn't last a minute as HK.
No combat skills, can't have someone replace her as per Nord customs. She'd be dead meat inside a week.On the Stormcloak side, Korir and Thongvor as well as Ulfric would be alternatives/rivals. I think having one Jarl on each side and one 'civilian' as candidates would be interesting.Regarding the ability to fight, that is not necessarily a requirement. Sure, it would help, but the only reason Torygg had that fate is because he trusted Ulfric and let him get close and because he was a very honorable man who wouldn't back out from such a situation.Someone like Maven Blackbriar would never even get in that spot.
She would use her schemes and influence to not only keep potential threats away, but take them out of the picture entirely. Tradition and challenges would be scoffed and considered rude jokes, until the challenger gets met with an 'accident' for even thinking about such insubordination.
Maven is scary, and while she may not be individually strong, her charisma and shrewdness gives her more than enough to rule Skyrim.You do have to consider that things ingame are portrayed at a much smaller scale than they would be lorewise. Most holds seem like just some area around small towns or even villages with only a few guards and a small garrison.
In reality, however, Jarls are literal kings with their own armies and an immense amount of responsibility, which really puts into perspective just how skilled and influential people who manage to gain political control over entire holds behind-the-scenes are.People like Thonar Silver-Blood and Maven Blackbriar deserve much respect, even though they are huge assholes all things considered, so I definitely think they would be capable of ruling for a long time, although in a corrupt and shrewd manner. Actually if you ask Sybille Stentor, she explains what went down that day. Ulfric formally challenged Torygg, and by Nord customs, when a challenge is issued to the High King in court, he has to accept or the rival Jarl has cause to call a moot for electing a new High King. She then goes on to say that of course, Torygg had martial training - it comes with the position - but Ulfric used the Thu'um to gain an advantage Torygg couldn't possibly match.In essence, a High King has to be ready to fight any Jarl who challenge them. And they bloody well can't refuse to see a Jarl asking for a formal audience, his role as High King is to also listen to the grievances of lesser Jarls.So, in all likelihood, Maven wouldn't WANT to be High Queen because she knows it's a deathtrap for someone like her who has a ton of enemies, no fighting skill to speak of, and would be stuck as a giant target for any Jarl she pissed off - and I'd bet you that's most of them. If there's one thing Maven hates it's not being in control, and when you're High King you won't REMAIN High King unless you follow Nord traditions where challenges are concerned.
I am familiar with the lore and how things are supposed to work, but I disagree with the High King not being able to refuse a meeting with a Jarl or the challenge itself. Sure, the Nords would not like it and it would have serious consequences throughout the populace.However. Ulfric explicitly says that without the Jarls' support even he can't go anywhere, so Maven HAS to play by the rules. The simple truth is that the High King has a lot less freedom than a common Jarl.
For one, Sybille implies it's open court since the High King MUST hear everyone's grievances. If he doesn't, any Jarl can call a moot without even having talked to him and have him removed.Secondly, I should note that EVERYONE in the Rift (not just Riften) knows Maven is a criminal. It's such common knowledge that she doesn't even try to cover it up because it's a lost cause. It also would bite her in the ass hard because her notoriety in her own hold would spread all over by word of mouth real fast if she became High King.

I mean look at Aventus Aretino. People on the other side of Skyrim know that he's calling the DB. Word of mouth is immensely powerful when you don't have modern resources like newspaper and TV to control rumors, and Maven simply can't put a lid on that, not without having to divert her entire army to it, at which point she might as well not bother and make a police state. Except the Empire tried THAT and we all know how well the Nords reacted to it.Also I should note Torygg was beloved by the people and wasn't stupid either - he paid attention to what people around him said, and Sybille mentions he respected Ulfric for speaking up and if only Ulfric had actually ASKED Torygg to declare independence, he may well have done it. But Ulfric cared only about Ulfric in the end, and wasted the chance for Skyrim to avoid the whole mess by going and murdering Torygg.
The reason why he got caught off guard is because when Ulfric visited, everyone thought that his intent was just that - to ask Torygg to declare independence. When they realized he wanted to issue a challenge, it was too late to stop it.That kind of is the danger - Maven CAN'T account for a Jarl who supposedly supports her secretly changing their mind and challenging her out of the blue next court she holds. And she can't shut herself in and not hold court either.
Neither of those will sit well with the people OR other Jarls. And with hostility on all sides, well. She may survive, but will lose the throne.Honestly, being a Jarl and being a High King is like apples and oranges.
In both cases you're a ruler but the scope is totally different and the High King both has more power and less freedom than the Jarls.
Creatures and animalsLooking for some more variety in Skyrim's bestiary, more realistic behavior from animals, and some upgrades for the countless dragons you'll have to fight? Here are some mods that make your enemies more interesting. Really Useful Dragons, Macho Dragons ⭐Download links:,You've got two options for replacing Skyrim's dragons with something goofy-looking.
The 'Really Useful Dragons mod' adds Thomas the Tank Engine, who seems to make it into even more games via mods than Shrek these days, and Macho Dragons turns them into 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Both are hilarious and creepy in their own way. Note that the first actually adds a variety of characters from Thomas the Tank Engine, if that's a selling point for you. No Spiders, Insects Begone ⭐Download links:,Arachnophobes might appreciate the mod that replaces the spider textures with Spider-Man, although it still looks freaky as all get-out to me. Insects Begone is a more lore-friendly attempt at getting rid of the bugs, swapping spiders for bears and chaurus for skeevers as well as deleting spiderwebs and other arachnid clutter. Enhanced Mighty Dragons RebornGuess what?
You're not the only one who can shout, Dragonborn. This mod gives dragons a whole new toolbox of spells and shouts, new abilities like disarming attacks and the power to summon animals or other monsters. One can raise the dead, another can't fly—it's a skeleton—but uses deadly physical attacks. It's completely customizable as well, in terms of difficulty, frequency, and loot. Automatic VariantsThere are a lot of excellent retexture mods available for Skyrim, but the sad thing is that you can only ever use one at a time.
Automatic Variants exists to correct that problem. It allows Skyrim to randomly choose different skins from a pool of variants. Pick a bunch you like, and the mod will distribute those textures for you in the game. Bellyache's Animal and Creature PackWhile it doesn't add new species, this mod does add around 100 recolored or touched-up textures for Skyrim's animals, everything from goats to bears to werewolves to the oft-discussed mudcrabs. You can choose from high or medium resolutions.Convenient HorsesBasically, it makes horses a million times better. Your followers can ride them, and fight while riding.
You can conduct conversations and loot while on horseback. There are a variety of new saddles and armor types. Dismounting is quicker and automatically draws your weapon. You can auto-mount horses when they're called, and even dictate their AI in combat. Immersive CreaturesIf you're tired of fighting vanilla creatures and don't mind digressing from the lore, check out Immersive Creatures. A huge collection of modders contributed to assemble an astonishing 2,500+ new creatures to populate Skyrim. From goblins to crocodile demons to dragon-people—and even a mechanical dragon.
Surgus Skyrim

Can You Become The High King Of Skyrim Mod
Tame the Beasts of Skyrim 2You don't just have to slaughter every creature in Skyrim: you can also tame them, keep them on a farm, and have them accompany you on quests. Whether you want a pet mammoth or a pet chicken, this mod will allow you to assemble an impressive bestiary of loyal creatures. You can even breed them to create more powerful animals. High Level EnemiesPlay Skyrim long enough and you'll notice that the difficulty drops off sharply at later levels. The problem is that a lot of standard enemy types don't have high level variants. The toughest Bandit, for example, is level 25, not much of a challenge when your Dovakhin gets past level 30.
High Level Enemies contains hundreds of new enemy types, ensuring that basic enemies remain a challenge well into the endgame. Realistic Animals and PredatorsAnimals have been revamped with better AI and more realistic behavior. Bears will hibernate in winter, animals will travel to water to drink each day, and predators not only hunt but whatever they consume will remain in their inventory (belly) for a while. Instead of always attacking, they may flee, or simply just watch you. Plus, you won't just see full-grown animals but also their young following them around. Table of contents.: A grab bag of useful improvements.: Make the game look beautiful.: New adventures and new lands.: Find different ways to play.: Some improved, some entirely new.: Armor, weapons, and custom accessories.: Changes to the other characters, plus some new ones.: Soup up your sorcery, pep up your perks.: The best ways to install, organize, and use these mods.