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Luger Date By Serial Number

Luger Date By Serial Number Rating: 7,6/10 2759 votes
Luger Date By Serial Number

This is a1941 Pistole08 military gun manufactured by Mauser. Thispiece is a 4inch (100mm) 9mm Parabellum. To conceal production a series ofalphabetical dates were assigned in addition to the code on the toggle42 (issued to Mauser in February 1941). '41' dates arerepresentative of the Luger accepted by the German military in 1941. Additionallythis has the black bakelite grips and magazine bottom making this aBlack Widow Rig.

The 41-42 in itself is a hard to acquiremodel, this Black Widow Rig is rare. (1761)This is a standard1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the 'Black Widow' 41- 42 CodeMauser. This Luger hasall matching numbers.The finish is nicely blued with honest holster wear on the end of thebarrel and side plate. This Luger has ahold open latch and stock lug.NOTE: Photographs taken todaywith the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see withthe human eye.

Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and naturalsurface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinaryhandling of the weapon. Photographs arecopyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction ordisplay of gun pictures without the express consent of the PhoenixInvestment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation. To conceal production aseries of alphabetical/numbers were assigned to Mauser in 1934 toidentify their production in addition to the date code over the chamberto indicate the year of production so began the S/42 toggleidentification.

Borchardt-Luger - produced 1895-1896 1st model prototype Caliber 7.65mm - 4.75' barrel Approximately 5 produced (2 originals known), not numbered: Borchardt-Luger - produced 1895-1896 1st model prototype (with modifications) Caliber 7.65mm - 4.75' barrel Approximately 5 produced (2 originals known), not numbered: Borchardt-Luger - produced 1898-1900.


In 1939 the S/42 was changed to simply Cod 42. So wehave the 1939 and 1940 Code 42 Lugers.In February 1941 Mauserchanged from the 42 code to byf, with two digit '41' dates arerepresentative of the Luger contract production accepted by the German military in 1941.

There is some serial number over lap betweenthe 41-42 code and the 41-byf code and it appears in the 'n' block. It is believed that a portion ofthese were contracts for the Luftwaffe orKriegsmarine.The thumbsafety is new style, and blued. The thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' andsafe is down. These end of contract production Lugers (the P38 wasunder production as the side arm) were mostly issued to the SStroops that had their own procurement system.

That and the fact it was issued to SS policebattalions that did the occupation law enforcement behind the front linetroops.The extractor is marked 'GELADEN'. The bore is good withdistinctive lands and groove.The thumb safety is new style, and blued.

The thumb safety is marked'Gesichert' andsafe is down. The black plastic grips are what designates this gunas the Black Widow.Serial number placement is in the military ('exposed') style.The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the side of thelocking bolt, on the trigger, on the bottom of the barrel, the sideplate, the left side of the receiver, the safety bar, the searbar, the rear connecting pin, and on the extractor. The all matching serial number on thebarrel and the frame reflect also the gauge marking (8.82) and thesuffix 'n'. Military Lugers were all numbered with four digits to9999 and then the numbering started over again for that year with1a-9999a, etc. These magazines were salt blued/black with extruded steel, black plasticbottoms and a new zigzag spring with the P.08 markings.These magazines weresupplied for mostly Mauser Lugers bearing the Code 42 or byf on thetoggles and are exceptionally durable magazine. These FXO on the magazine tellsus that it was manufactured by C. Haenel Waffen-U-Fahrradfrabrik in thecity of Suhl.


The Eagle 37 is the Germanmilitary acceptance stamp used at the Haenel Factory commonly called theWaffenamt. Proof.The Eagle 655 Proof reflects the that this is an 1941produced Luger because the E655 changed in late to E135 in 1942. TheSwastika/Eagle Proof with the full wings appears on the receiver, thebarrel and the left side of the front toggle link. This proof beganin September 1939 and simply represents the army acceptance.The first toggle link is markedwith the 42 Mauser code.

There is the 'V' rear sight on the reartoggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear.The 41-42 Parabellum is a production of the transition in 1941 tothe byf code in 1941There areestimated to be only 7,000 41-42 Codes made in January 1941consistent with the average monthly production of Mauser of10,000. Of these The 41/42 is a highly desirable Luger for thecollector. The primary military armof the Ordnungspolizei was the,4thDivision of the Waffen-SS. Mainly used as aand reserve formation, the Polizei Division washistorically known as being undertrained and lacking inskilled combat tactics. The division consisted of fourpolice regiments composed of Orpo personnel and wastypically used to rotate police members into a militarysituation, so as not to lose police personnel to thegeneral draft of the Wehrmacht or to the full SSdivisions of the regular.Very late in the warseveral Orpo SS-Police regiments were transferred to theWaffen-SS to form the 35th SS and PoliceGrenadier Division. This is astandard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the 41-42Mauser.

This Luger hasall matching numbers.The finish is very good on this model and model has ahold open latch and stock lug.The first toggle link is markedwith the '42' Mauser code. There is the 'V' rear sight on the reartoggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear.This is an extraordinary holster with theleather pre-died black to match the SS uniforms and the stitching stillwhite and completely intact. The leather has been cared for and inexcellent condition.Above the holster date proofed with the 1941matching the holster to the gun. Also the P.08 which was orderedto all holsters when the production of the P-38 hard shell holster wasalso in the inventory.

Note the white stitching indicating this isthe original black died holster before construction.The Load Tooling (thecenter hole fits over the thumb button on the magazine and inversed theextended portion gives a wider space to apply pressure to the magazinefollower compressing the internal spring. The Screw driver end is forthe grip screws and firing pin retainer) bears the very rare Code 42.This Luger has a deep blue, almostcommercial color to it. It is in very clean condition and anexceptionally fine piece. This Parabellum has a stock lug, is all blued(as post 1936 Lugers were with Mauser) and a hold open. InNovember 1942 formal production of the Luger stopped but there werestill orders to fill and so up until 1944 Lugers were being assembledfrom existing stocks of parts. There were two sub-variationsof the '41' date, the early with 655 Eagle acceptance stamps and serialnumbered from approximately 3300n to 9950a from which this Luger was produced. So of this variation ofthe '41' date there were approximately 122,000 produced.

Then later in 1941,early 1942 there began the Eagle/135 Waffenamt acceptancestamps and the second sub-variation with an estimated serial number rangeof 1000-9950a. The Black Widows for the SS made up a minor portionof these production figures.

The inside of the gun is clean with noevidence of pitting or rust. It has been cared for many years.This is an exceptional Luger being in such fine shape and bearing allthe correct proofs and markings to make it a text book '41 -42: Black Widow. See Kenyon Lugers at Random Page288. This Luger is identified as acurio and can be send directly to C&R licensees and above.Left: Here is the Luger infull recoil with the rear main axel pin exposed. The frame is aMauser frame as you can see the 2mm hump that Mauser built intothe frames to protect the rear main axel pin. Right: Note theextractor marked GELADEN (Loaded) which extrudes whenever thegun is loaded.

Even in the dark one can feel the extrusion onthe breach block and know the gun is ready to go. The leather is in very good condition withall the stitching intact. All parts of the holster are still pliable andfunctional. This rig comes with the all-matching Luger, a loadingtool, and a second matching magazine,Mauser-Werke andBerliner-Karlsruher Industrie-Werke (BKIW), BKIW was the successor to DWM(Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken) had common ownership. In1930 the machinery, technicians and supplies were moved from Berlin-Wittenauto Oberndorf and BKIW's interest in the Parabellum ceased.

There is a 'V' notched rear sight and stock lug.On the right of thereceiver are the E655 proofs of the inspector assigned toMauser and both on the receiver and the barrel is thestraight wing eagle with the swastika which represented thelatter war military acceptance stamp. The Swastika/EagleProof with the full wings appears on the receiver, the barrel and theleft side of the front toggle link. This proof began in September1939 and simply represents the army acceptance.It is entirely subjective togive any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare itxx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these arepremium priced.

Luger Date By Serial Number Generator

Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of thebeholder. We strive to provide picturesso you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria.

I joined this morning, posted my question and some pic's and got my answer.I had my hopes up that it was a fairly rare 1914 or 1920 Commercial Navy model. However, the sights gave it away. It is a 1920 Commercial model made in 1924. They're telling me that the barrel was swapped out at some point, but the serial number markings are still a mystery.

Could Luger have swapped the barrel? It's not impossible. As it is, it's probably worth about 1/2 value, which is what I paid for it.Nice to know I didn't get ripped off and I had several comments about how good of shape it's in. It really is a great shooter, with real sights, target pistol quality. The trigger is unlike any other gun I've shot. It barely moves and the pull is probably around 4#. Nice and crisp.Well, at least the mystery is over.

Dwm Luger Serial Number Lookup

There some nice folks over there on and the site is setup the same as this one.