Age Of Empires 3 Japanese Deck
As many of you know, AoE3 is not the most loved title of the franchise. Veteran players of AoE2 often say bad things about AoE3 and in a way it's understandable why. AoE3, like any good sequel, brought many new elements and features into play, features which turn away many AoE2 players for different reasons.Features that make sense for AoE3's gameplay but still leave a bad taste in the mouths of veterans.One of the most controversial feature is, of course, the Home City but that's just the start. Many also have problems with how limited some things are in the game, train and build limits to be more specific. Hi,Its nice to see you are still working on this awesome mod for awesome game.I am enjoying the latest version and looking forward to future updates.What i would like to see in game:- New nations (dont know if it is possible, but Italy and Africa mod did it quite well - apart from tons of ballance issues and bugs)- Better ballanced nations (especially iroquois are weak and building strong army cost wood which is limited - even adding some wood farm would be awesome).
Age of Empires III has an exciting late game with powerful units and game-changing cards to send. For those of you that want to end the game earlier, however, Steam user Bubs has compiled a list of hard-hitting early rushes for Japanese players to employ. Bubs has written detailed guides for the following rushes, designed Continued. Sep 3, 2012 at 12:08am. Sure, your goal is to make it to the Industrial Age, but if you have these cards at least if you're forced to you can fend for yourself in age 2 or age 3 for a while. If they check your deck in this kind of situation and you decide to rush them, they'll be in for quite a surprise. Japanese (Age of Empires III)/Strategy Japanese (Age of Empires III) Edit. VisualEditor History Comments (9) Share. Civilization Tech tree Strategy; The Japanese are a civilization with a powerful military but their economy is unique and may take some time getting used to.
Thanks for adding paladins to Portugeese - they were always too difficult to play for me:-)- Removing deadly-trade vehicles feature. I understand its more realistic now, but when AI is sending its army under the train, its not funny.- fixing bugs (like in US homecity you have export and fame but only fame is among resources you see - the only bug i saw after months of playing - well done)- It would be nice to have up to 40 deck card slots unlocked (now you can pick 20 card + 1 each 10 levels up to 25 cards)- Fame is awesome feature, it would be great to have more buildings than fort to use it unlimitedly - maybe saloon/command post- Pop limit is fine. I would keep it as it is (especially if you need to upgrade ships - i am not sure if this is a good idea. AI will buy tons of ships, no army and battle is won + not every map has a water surface suitable for naval battles)Well, thats all from me. Thanks for doing such a great job:-). 'I am enjoying the latest version'Removing deadly-trade vehicles feature'No, you're not enjoying the latest version because that feature was removed many months ago.To play the latest version please use the mod's patcher to update.have made fame more useful and moved fame armies to the Command Post, while also adding Generals and other fame related stuff.Entirely new civs, not an easy thing to do by yourself. Especially if you want the civ to be unique and look professionally made, without bugs, with a full voice set, unique tech tree, units, cards, home city.
The list goes on.The US civ from my mod for example, I couldn't make it as perfect as I wanted to so I kinda stopped working on it.Anyway, thanks for playing and thanks for your feedback. I hope you'll update soon! Yup, i was playing 5.4. Because i havent found new version. Just yesterday i found patcher and i dont fully know actual version.From what i have seen so far: Many thanks for 2000 fame age upgrade from homecity:-)There are few things in your post i dont fully agree with:- US nation is awesome as it is now - unique troops, homecity etc.- About new civs - i understand complications you might encounter, but i (and maybe other players) prefer things to be enjoyable, not professionaly made (doesnt mean i like bugs). There could be some nations (like Italians) with troops currently present in game (Elmeti).Not every of original nation is unique.
For example Britain does have only one unique unit - Rockets.But as i see from your mod, you prefer quality which is awesome too:-)Speaking about design - where did you get Fencibles,azaps (and other new units)? I havent seen them in original version of the game. And still, they look so profesional:-). The free TC by age up bonus was limited to a single civ for a good reason. If you give this bonus to everyone it will increase the gap and therefore the imbalance between those who already aged up and those did not yet.I hate to say, but this game really needs build limits for the sake of balance and performance. Pop for ship opens the door way too far for exploits and performance drops.
You could now spend all your 200 pop on ships, but the problem is neither the maps nor the ships themselves were designed for large scale naval combat. It starts with obstruction radius, model size and ends their bad pathfinding.As for Russian vills, be sure you removed their train point penalty and food cost reduction in their Age0. 'As for Russian vills, be sure you removed their train point penalty and food cost reduction in their Age0.' I did, well train time at least. Forgot about cost.You have good points and yes, balance and lag are the main reasons for all these limits. Explaining this to every single player that wants them removed, however, now that's another story entirely.But at the same time, this is a mod where we try many new things. As stated in the blog post, AoE3 has too many limits compared to AoE2, and yes, many of them well deserved.
But to give you an example, do we really need a limit on builders? The original game had a limit of 4 builders on military buildings. I understand how this would limit someone from building a secret forward base somewhere or maybe an outpost near an enemy gold mine, to make it somehow more balanced, but this limits the gameplay so much by not allowing more strategies, don't you think?Again as stated in the blog post, AoE3 has less supporters than AoE2, we all know that. Ask any AoE2 veteran what's the thing they dislike the most in AoE3 and they will probably say limits on stuff and the home city feature.I'm not gonna remove every single limit in the game or the home city, I'm not that crazy, I just wanna try a different approach, plus I have backups standing by in case of 'emergency'.' If you give this bonus to everyone it will increase the gap and therefore the imbalance between those who already aged up and those did not yet.'
Alright, but here's another point of view. Usually (other games and in AoE2), if you get left behind in upgrades you can at least try to outnumber the enemy. For naval warfare in AoE3 however, that's kinda impossible.I know, we don't have many options, this is why we experiment and see what happens.
If people hate it so much I'll roll it back. I just hoped to freshen the game up a bit. Oh, I didn't object to the parts I didn't mention. NE has no builder limits either (since NE 2.01 already or earlier even). Builder limits were indeed originally introduced by ES to avoid villager armies errecting fully-fleshed bases out of nothing.#Build LimitsI'd agree on build limits not being 'cool', which is why I said 'I hate to say' that they are sadly necessary. Explaining why they are necessary is a bit complicated and complex. AoE3 is a faster game than AoE2, the maps are smaller and bad luck and tough counters hit you harder than before.
It's easier to spam units and max out their stats with techs and HC boosters. To that adds a completely different fundament of interplay of unit/building variables (hp, dmg, costs, train points, etc.).Cannons are a good example.
ES decided to give them high pop due to their power. Pop then again is something that the people didn't like either. Basically you can say that, if a unit has high pop and/or a build limit, that the unit is close to being imbalanced since standard costs like resources and train time were not sufficient enough to balance the unit. You can't make units train too long, cost too much or people won't build them (which is what you want to avoid as a game designer).
Therefore higher pop count and build limits were introduced to AoE3, because it had units that totally went beyond the scope of well-balanced standard units.#Naval CombatNot really. If you ever watched high-level gameplays with AoE2 naval combat, you'll see it's always about getting the higher galley count and microing out the opponent armada, which always ends with a gg. That is, because galleys are the best-to-go warship in AoE2. Multiplayer is all about getting the better stuff quicker and in greater numbers than the other ones (provided you know how to use them ofc).
The naval combat in AoE3 is not exciting, but less dominant and plain as in AoE2 multiplayer. The best usage of navies in AoE3 is to have a big armada guarding your monitors which destroy the sensible infrastructure of the enemy base. Talking about monitors being a really useful warship for the game, if you remember the impact of the equally used war galleons in AoE2, you've got another good reason for build limits.Land artillery can beat warships easily, AoE3 maps are already small and the water areas are even so much more more, that the map control value of ships tends towards 0. I don't see how pop for ships will result in anything else than a hard lag party.#Free TCsIt always gets more unfair the more you reward the quicker player too much. A second TC - which is also free (!) - doubles the villager production and we all know eco beats everything. It's as unbalanced as giving the better players better, more powerful HC cards and make it even harder for less experienced player to catch up. It's a structural balance fail.
#Free TCsWhoa whoa whoa, who said it's free? Only Portuguese get free covered wagons per age, others only get +1 TC limit per age, no free stuff.Unless you meant the limit increase is free.?I thought, well here's the thing, I've been watching a lot (A LOT) of pro AoE2 games lately and, that's from where some of these ideas are coming.And although there's a very strict meta there which few players rarely stray from, there's much more potential for different strategies, I believe. Well, not only me since AoE3 has the fan base it has.I thought, giving everyone more TCs would open up more possibilities, somehow. I dunno man, I just work here. Doing all I can to keep it interesting.#Naval CombatI see no viable solution here except to maybe roll back and add limits again.I could try and make water maps bigger but then again lag and stuff. Making them unlimited but costing pop is not good. I can't make the models smaller, obviously.
I made them slower until recently so that. I even forgot why, but that didn't work either.Nope, out of ideas. Any suggestion or I just roll back?#Build LimitsI agree. Although, again, somehow limits possibilities, it's required for the 'greater good'. Anyhow, except for ship limits I didn't remove any other limit, if anything I could increase them but not remove.Now, about villagers costing 0 pop.
This is a hard one. Yes, a core idea behind the game, you need pop to support your economy and military. You have build limits on villagers. The only reason I think they even added this limit in the first place was because of the Dutch, and now we also have the Japanese.Now, I could remove the limit and maybe somehow tweak the villager gather rates to find a balance, though I don't think many people will agree with that.So I thought, why not make villagers take 0 pop. Since they have a build limit I can make them take 0 pop and revert the max pop limit to 200.Which probably ends up being the same but not quite.
I've had players telling me that in a treaty match, once the treaty has ended they would delete all their villagers and go full military. Now, I would gladly make a tech or a card that makes villagers take 0 pop, but that's impossible sadly.So, only option left, make them take 0 from the start and see what happens. #Free TCsAh sorry! I misread then, didn't see it was just about the limits. Well surely this will result in stronger earlier ecos and demand more multi-tasking skills from every type of player.
This ofc is not as imba as a free TC wagon, but you sure will make the game tougher (harder/more complex) with this. Personally I already found it quite annoying to multi-manage all TCs in AoE2 plus military plus exploration.#Naval CombatI'd say either roll back completely or just increase the Build Limits. Smaller models are possible I think, you gotta ask MisterSCP about bone scaling.#Build LimitsIt sure strictly limits the freedom to do anything you want in the game. Then again this is a very ideologic, romantic view of absolute freedom being a positive thing. The negative version of it we call anarchy - and you don't want anarchy in your game, because it's your job to ensure fun and joy.0 pop coupled with BL has the effect that every player can field more of these units and at the same time it means 200pop for military only due to a plus of 100. So you double the army size with this and add 99 pop-free objects on top of that, without counting pop-free units from natives, techs or HC. Even though I personally wouldn't do this myself (due to map sizes and performance), I agree with making Settler Wagons cost 1 pop in this model.Build limits were added for villagers to a) force players build military and b) avoid players going eco only in team games.
Just some humble opinion, how about just eliminate the 'housing system' at all, and control the pop using a research, like ottoman's villager limit control, but the research placed in the tc, somehow i remember this was implemented in RON, research the military from the library to limit the pop. If its about the livestock, just let it fattening naturally (or increases its gain speed) train it from mill or plantation, or maybe make the mill and plantation to give an aura boost for livestock gain, just like hospital (on hitpoint) or mughal's karnimata (on gathering speed). Those are some weird bugs, especially since Portuguese don't have Lancers. Did you mean the Spanish Lancers or the Portuguese Cavalaria?I'll look into the US bug, probably easy to fix.The advanced market card is suppose to make the market cheaper. I don't understand what's the problem so I'll check myself.Yes, I know they train kinda fast now, it's. It's a bit more complicated. All Russian units which train in blocks have their stats lowered along with the price and high train speed.
When I made cavalry train in blocks, these changes were actually not required since Russian cavalry is already cheaper and weaker.But I did make them train slightly faster so yeah. I'll remove the buff. I like some of the improvements allowed. My biggest request to be allow one to toggle speed.
Things go to fast late game. If that's not possible, could we slow military ROF and movement down?
Age Of Empires 3 Free Download
And make villlagers/factories gather slower?How do I make villagers count as population again? (I see why you don't like it)How do I get the houses to actually improve fattening. I don't see it working in my games.Finally, can we get some decent random maps like Green Arabia or Land Nomad for AOE2?
The unknown map is very poorly laid out and has few treasures resources etc. Ok so, first off, when you start a game you can choose the speed of the game from the beginning. You can't change it mid game, that's silly.Second, I already made villagers cost population again, please update your mod.And third, yes I know, the european house / livestock thing is a problem and it will be fixed, I just needed time to think of a good fix and implement it.As for maps, well you can find extra if you check the Custom Maps option when you create a game, maybe they fit what you want. Indeed, that's what I want to do. I want each Asian civ to have a unique set of Consulate allies (although I keep adding allies no old ally is being removed, because all Asian civs have/had repeating allies), and so for each Asian civ the last Consulate ally will have a unique unit rooster and setup.For Japanese it's Americans, for Indians it's Italians and for Chinese it will be Indians.Why Indians for Chinese? Simple, I want each of these new allies to have a unique set of units, Italians had mercenaries for example and I want the Indian allies to have elephants. It's the most unique thing I could think of.Indian allies for Chinese will be released soon.
Age Of Empires Japanese Strategy
User Summary:While previous Age of Empires installments have put you in the shoes of a medieval ruler, Age of Empires III gives you command of a promising European power bent on exploring and conquering the New World. As was true in previous games, the highlight of the gameplay is the strategic battles and all of the planning, building, and recruiting that goes into them. In addition to these previous strategies, you can now receive shipments from the mother land to help you in your conquest in the New World.To quote the manual, 'Spectacular combat awaits you in a world with units like rifled infantry, heavy cavalry, and tall ships bristling with cannon. You'll be captivated by breathtaking scenes of discover and power: towering European cathedrals, courageous Native Americans, and massive armies bent on destruction.' Age of Empires III was released for the PC in 2005 and the Mac in 2006.