Dark Souls 3 Fps Mod
I took liberty to share my experience with everyone out there who is having problems runing dark souls 3, please feel free to add some of your fixes too:0. STUTTERINGMove the GameOverlayRenderer.dll and GameOverlayRenderer64.dll from the Steam installation folder to another folder and make GameOverlayRenderer.log as Read Only.P.S Disabling overlay on steam in game configuration is not the same as this.Hurge thanks to:1. CRASHES1.1 This happens because the fog effect, glowing light effect, hair and capes physics is broken, to fix this go to the dark souls 3 settings, and put effects quality, shadow qualit and, light quality on low.1.2 Some people reported that disabling steam overlay stoped the crashes, or the infinie loading screen bug, try it yourself if the settings on low didnt worked- steam app - Settings - In-Game Settings TAB - Uncheck the box next to 'Enable Steam Community In-Game' and click OK.2.
LOW FPS IN NVIDIA CARDSSeems that the game dont use all the nvidia GPU power, to force to use more power this is what you need to do:2.1 Use the new driver 365.10 or newer, made to fix problems with dark souls 3 and the new doom:2.2 If you still want some FPS try this: edit the dark souls 3 profile on nvidia control panel, and disable everything FXAA and Texture filtering, choose the maximum performance on every option, and only let enable the trible buffering, vsync, segmented optimization, max of pre-renderized fps = 4, VR pre-renderized fps = 13. LOW FPS IN CPUs INTEL OR AMD3.1 After started the game, press ctrl+alt+del go to task manager, on the folder details, press right mouse click on darksouls3.exe and define the priority as high as it can.3.2 Seems that dark souls 3 mainly a single-threaded game, so to increase the FPS of that main thread (bad pc port as allways), go to your computer bios and disable the intel H.E.I.S.T or SPEEDSTEP or in case of AMD the cool n' quiet option.3.3 CPUs with quad-core, hexa-core and octa-core CPUs should disable Hyper Threading, and those with dual-core CPUs should enable it4. LOW FPS IN PCs WITH LESS THAN 8GB RAMUse Razer Cortex to finalize unecessary apps and processes runing on the backgroundP.S.
Dark Souls 3 Bosses

Dark Souls 3 Fps Mod
This is only necessary if you have 6GB of ram or less, and some cases in a pc with 8gb fo ram with a windows that have a lot of junk runing on background.P.P.S. Only use the booster part, dont use the other ones like changing windows configuration, may destroy your O.S, and dont use the save data backup, may get your accout banned.5. GAMEPAD IS LOWRING THE GAME FPSDisable the vibration on the game settings helps a little bit, but does not solve it.6. GAMEPAD NOT WORKINGUpdate your drivers, see if the gamepad is working propely on control panel - Hardware and Sound - Printers n devices, remeber than you must use analog mode on the gamepad to be recgnized by the game.P.S. If you are using logitech F710 wireless gamepad put it on Xinput (front switch must be on X, not on D).P.P.S. Dont use third party software to emulate keyboard keys on your gamepad, this is getting people banned from online play and is considered cheating.

Don't know why that is cheating, but it will get you banned.7. KEYBOARD MOVEMENT LOCKS IN ONE DIRECTIONPress that direction 2x times quickly8. MOUSE BUTTON + UP ON KEYBOARD DONT DO LUNGE OR KICK ATTACKSUse only the keyboard to do that, like put the bindings below:key 1 = light attackkey 2 = strong attackkey 3 = blockingkey 4 = special weapon skillThan use w+1 and w+2 to do lunge and kick attacks.P.S. Dont use input apps to do that with one key, its also considering cheating and will get your account banned from normal servers. Man they really got sensitive with banning people on ds3.For more information also see:Finding the game too hard: look at this tips. CrashesThis happens because the fog effect, glowing light effect, hair and capes physics is broken, to fix this go to the dark souls 3 settings, and put effects quality, shadow qualit and, light quality on low.tried this just now.nvidia driver stopped working. Something about kernelstrying hotfix driver now.'

In PC version of Dark Souls 3 running on Windows 10 the game switches on default resolution in Borderless window mode, but uses the resolution set in fullscreen mode. Replacing textures and changing FPS options doesn’t solve the problem, but there is one option that can be available: it is necessary to run. Dark Souls III - 3D Vision Fix (1st May version) DarkSouls33DVisionfix.7z. (in 3D Surround the above option should be OFF or it will 'murder' your FPS). If you have any technical questions please address them here. Clearing all of my settings in the process. Aaaand Dark Souls 3 decided to go back to the flickering problem again.
Dark souls 3 has stopped working: a problem has caused ds3 to stop wonrking.blah blah.' .interestingly the driver didn't say it stopped working this time. Making some progress.still can't play the game yet.going to try step 2.2.anti ailiasing fxaa offmaximum pre-rendered frames 4texturing filtering-anisotropic sample optimization offtexture filtering-negative LOD bias use global setting? Other option is clamp.texture filtering-quality high performancetexture filtering- trilinear optimization offVirtual reality pre-rendered frames 1triple buffering oncheck.testing.thought it was running and fixed for a little while there.
Dark Souls 3 Graphics Mod
Philips 22 rh 457 01r. False hope i guess.after about 20 minutes, computer hard crashed. Completely froze up had to do hard shut down and reboot.right back to square one.just like all the other solutions.